Vets are a humble crowd on the whole and there are a lot of things Sutherland Shire vets do regularly that you are not aware of. Below are some of the top unrecognized practices that an excellent Sutherland vet does that you do not know about.

1. Giving Up Their  Time

Several vets do not leave the hospital for lunch, or even get time to have a proper lunchtime while at work. They are so busy and allow walk-ins that their time is spent completing medical records, diagnostics, returning phone calls, checking on patients, emergency surgeries and the list goes on. The normal bathroom break-even makes the biggest difference. On rare occasions that it’s getting off of work on time, celebration is in order. Vets always stay late for the customers and their pets.

2. Using High Standard And Quality Surgical Practices

Several clients do not know what kind of surgical care the pet receives at the vet. An expert vet uses an IV catheter, so they always have venous access if something goes wrong. They also give IV fluids during surgery, they also have various methods to monitor your pet while under anesthesia. Any anesthesiologist agrees that anesthesia is the closest the body will get to death without dying.

3. Bathing Your Pet

A large number of pet owners come to the vet with their pets fully covered in feces or vomit without trying to clean them up. Even a high number of pets soil themselves while at the vet, despite receiving proper potty breaks. The vet cannot send them home dirty and have to bathe them. Just think how much a groomer will charge to bathe, brush, and dry your pet. The majority of vets do this for free.

4. Putting In Phone Time With You

How many times can you get your medical doctor on the phone to discuss test results or symptoms with you? It is always the nurse, isn’t it? Vets put in a lot of time, and take no charges from phone time, but still choose to as they value the personalized connection with you as the pet owner.

5. Typing Instructions For You To Read At Home With Tests Performed, Diagnosis Of Your Pet, And The Step-by-step Home Treatments.

This takes a large amount of the vet’s time and generates no revenue. It takes time for your pet’s well-being, but if the pet owner does not understand what to do at home, the pet will remain sick.

6. Grieving With You

You may think that it gets easier with time for your pet’s loss, but the truth is, several vets take it home—not only the vets but also the staff. Your tears are not the only ones shed when the sad time comes. The vets remember that face and that sloppy, wet nose, too.


A vet who wants to practice quality medicine and keep your budget in mind offers to write your prescription when to get generic drugs elsewhere, like human pharmacies where hundreds of drugs are available for less than $4 per month. Instead of putting all the amount on pills, the vet wishes the pets to have the medicine they require, as well as the diagnosis it needs to see that they are effectively treating the right disease.

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